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Life Coaching

Somatic (body-based) life coaching is my signature offer. Through 1:1 coaching sessions, we will co-create a unique and visceral experience together, guiding you deeper toward your own knowledge and intelligence. You already know the journey, I simply hold the map and tools to get you there.

There may be a specific area of your life you’d like to focus on, or you may want to improve in all aspects of your life. We will examine your belief systems and unlock underlying emotions through somatic coaching and guidance. Then these emotions will be processed in a safe and supportive container. 

Is this what you're looking for?
Book a call! 




What is Somatic Life Coaching?


Somatic life coaching is coaching using a body based approach. By getting into your body, versus in your head, you create lasting change and healing.


What does it mean to be in the body?


Bringing the awareness to, and focusing on being present in your body. A typical coaching session includes tracking the sensations that are going on in the body and noting the thoughts and emotions that come up during this process, to ultimately bring more awareness to yourself in order to heal. 


Why is somatic coaching effective?


Your body knows how to heal. It’s often our mind that creates the stories, or protectors, over time. While in the moment these protectors served and kept you safe, over time they no longer support you and your growth. By getting into your body, we are able to turn off our thoughts and bring yourself back to your innate wisdom. 

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